Monday, April 19, 2010


i Pad is our most advanced technology in a magical and revolutionary device at an unbelievable price,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO.

i Pad, this is more than a product which mean to say an extraordinary and an excellent device developed by Apple which has now created a new dimension in the field of electronic Gadgets. The iPad looks more like a tablet than a 'Pad'.

Apple released i Pad during this January and now its available worldwide. i Pad is smaller than the laptop and some what bigger than the i Phone. so if you thought of your laptop as the ideal instrument for mobile connectivity,and could not quite get used to browsing the web on a cell phone, then this might be the ideal solution for you.

The iPad which is released is some what different in two areas - as mentioned it is smaller than a laptop and in addition to that, it also did away with the traditional keyboard. The screen of the i Pad is a high resolution and high responsive display with multi-touch screen with it.

It weighs about 1.5 pounds and half inches of thickness with new features embedded in them as compared with iPhone and iPod. The screen is almost 9.7-inch, LED-backlit display, and features IPS technology for those clear, crisp images and also an ultra-wide 178 degree viewing angle which will display consistent colour.

Features of i Pad:

  • There are some special application suites which are developed for the sake of iPad of which "i work" is one of the most important application suite. Through the iWork application one can easily create beautiful slides and presentations especially the animated one and even view the slide show.
  • i Pad is available with two models one with wi-fi and the other is wi-fi + 3G, the second model with 3G option is costs more than the normal wi-fi model of iPad.
  • A new A4 chip which is used for i Pad is responsible for the excellent processing performance and excellent graphics display with the battery back up of almost 10 hours when fully charged , which is more than the battery back up of a laptop.
  • The i Pad device has been designed in such way that it can be used in both landscape and portrait mode so that the display of the i Pad wont be a much problem as the views will be automatically rotating depending on which way the user holds the device.
  • Although the physical keyboard has been removed, if you still need this functionality in your device, Apple have solved this dilemma by incorporating the keyboard into the screen as an almost full-size 'soft' keybord.
  • According to Apple, the Multi-Touch display is accurate and responsive. In addition to the 'soft' keybord, you will also be able to plug in the new iPad Keybord Dock, which you can imagine this as a full sized traditional keyboard.
  • The iPad comes loaded with 12 next-generation multi-touch applications. which includes the mail application, safari browser, you tube, app store, maps and etc. According to Apple, the iPad runs most of the more than 150,000 applications currently available for the iPhone and iPod touch.
  • High definition is enabled, and one can use the device to do most things you would normally do on a PC - like playing online games, browsing the web, watching movies, store digital media such as your favorite photos and albums, and view these as an elegant slide show, you can even read your currentfavorite e-book, and of course - there's music too. A new application called iBooks has also been developed for the iPad, which enables you to buy and read books on a mobile device.

Price and Availability of i Pad:

The device is available worldwide as of now. Suggested retail prices:
$499 (US) for the 16GB model,
$599 (US) for the 32GB model,
$699 (US) for the 64GB model.

The Wi-Fi + 3G models of iPad will be available from this month (April )in the US and selected countries for a suggested retail price of $629 (US) for the 16GB model,
$729 (US) for the 32GB model and
$829 (US) for the 64GB model.

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